Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (2024)

Growing cucumbers and thinking about adding a trellis? Here are some reasons to go for it,
plus some favorite DIY cucumber trellis ideas to try!

Cucumbers are one of the most popular vegetables for home gardens, and for good reason.

They are easy to grow, and great in salads, veggie trays, or even on their own!

If you’re interested in trellises for cucumbers, this post is for you! I’ll share a bit about growing cucumbers on a trellis, and then share 10+ easy trellises to try for your own backyard garden.

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (1)

Table of Contents

Do Cucumbers Need a Trellis?

This depends on what type of cucumber plant you buy.

Bush cucumber plants tend to grow very short vines (about 1-2-feet long) and only need 2-3 square feet per plant.

Regardless, they produce a good amount of cucumbers for their size. They are an excellent choice for container gardens and gardeners with limited space.

Bush cucumber plants do not need a trellis.

Cucumbers on a vine produce more fruit, though they require a larger space than bush varieties to grow.

Vine cucumber plants tend to do best on a trellis.

Why Use a Trellis for Cucumbers?

There are several benefits of using a trellis for your cucumber plants.

-Keeping vined cucumbers off the ground helps with air flow, which helps prevent diseases in your plants.

-Using a trellis helps your plant grow vertically, saving you space in your yard and garden.

– A trellis keeps cucumbers from lying flat on the ground, helping them grow more even in color and shape.

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (2)

How Big Should a Cucumber Trellis Be?

Cucumber vines can grow to an impressive length!

They can reach approximately 5-8 feet, so it’s a good idea to make your cucumber trellis about 8 feet or so, if possible, your vines can reach their full potential!!

Like a lot of gardening, though, it can be a bit of trial and error to figure out the ideal cucumber trellis size for your space and needs.

How Many Cucumbers Does One Plant Yield?

This can vary due to a number of circ*mstances, but expect to get anywhere from 10-15 cucumbers per plant.

Proper harvesting can help increase how many cucumbers your plant yields.

When you pick your cucumbers often, this encourages the plants to continue to produced fruit over a longer period of time.

Cucumber Trellis to DIY

Ok, let’s get started!

Here are a few DIY trellis ideas to consider. Just click through to be taken to each trellis idea or post!

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden)

Growing cucumbers and thinking about adding a trellis?

Here are some reasons to go for it, plus some favorite DIY cucumber trellis ideas to try!

Sometimes, it's easier to buy than to DIY.

If that's the case for you, this A-frame metal cucumber trellis from Amazon has great reviews!

It's made of steel wire with powder coating to last years!

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (4)


No tools required DIY Pallet Cucumber Trellis

Pallets are so versatile, and this DIY cucumber trellis from Lovely Greens is an easy and affordable way to make the most of your garden space.

This cucumber arch trellis is easy to make and is a great way to maximize space in your garden.

Plus, I love the unique arch shape!

Get Busy Gardening shows you how in this tutorial.

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (6)


Simple Cucumber Trellis for only $15

Our Stoney Acres shows you how to build a simple cucumber trellis for about $15!

It's a frugal and clever way to get the most bang for your gardening buck. Come see how!

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (7)


DIY cucumber trellis for free

How about a FREE cucumber trellis?

I can't guarantee you can make this without spending a dime, but it could be a fun challenge to see how close you can get!

Thanks to The Real Farmhouse for the clever idea.

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (8)


Cucumber Trellis - Free Shipping

With free shipping and a reasonable price point, this cucumber trellis will give your climbing plants the support they need to grow and thrive.

This trellis is rot and rust resistant, and doesn't need to be painted.

This heavy-duty, inexpensive wire trellis is perfect for cucumbers, squash, peas, and any other flowering vines you can think of!

I hope you found some inspiration for your yard or garden!

Let me know in the comments if you’ve ever created a cucumber trellis–we’d love to hear about your experience!

Thanks so much for reading all about our Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden)!

Have a great day!

Trellis for Cucumbers (Trellis Ideas for Your Backyard Garden) (2024)


What style trellis is best for cucumbers? ›

Cucumbers aren't particularly worried about what type of trellis you use. The tendrils of the vines will grab fences, string, wire trellis, or tall cages and the plant will climb its way up. The structure just needs to be secured strongly enough to bear the weight of the vine and fruit.

How high does a cucumber trellis need to be? ›

Five to six feet is the optimal height for a cucumber trellis because it allows the plant to grow to its full potential while making harvesting easier for the gardener. There is no need for a trellis to be any taller. Otherwise, it would make harvesting difficult, especially if you are shorter in stature.

How do you make a frame trellis for cucumbers? ›

  1. Cut 2 of the 6-foot pieces in half to get 4 3-foot pieces.
  2. Put two of these 3-foot pieces, along with two of the 6-foot pieces together at the edges, forming a “picture frame” shape.
  3. Connect these four pieces with wood screws. ...
  4. Roll out enough hardware/fencing material to cover one side.

How do you make a cheap and easy trellis? ›

This cheap and easy garden trellis is made with two items. This Grip-Rite Ladder Mesh Block (currently $4.27 each – I paid $3.57 last year) at Home Depot and zip ties. That's it! You simply zip tie how ever many you'd like to use and arch them into your bed.

Should cucumber trellis be vertical or angled? ›

Growing your cucumbers vertically can save you several square feet of garden space, which you could use for growing other vegetables. Here is a very simple and inexpensive trellis that you could build in just a couple hours.

Is it better to grow cucumbers on a trellis or on the ground? ›

Let Cucumbers Climb

Trellised cucumbers are easier to pick and less susceptible to disease. Cucumbers do best if they can climb instead of spread over the ground. The tendrils of the vines will grab fences, string, wire trellis, or tall cages so that the vines climb the structures.

How big should squares be in cucumber trellis? ›


If you plant on either side of the trellis 12″ apart, with rows off-center, 6″ squares are perfect for giving each plant, with one leader, its own vertical line to follow up. So tying them to the bottom also assigns each plant to their line and keeps everybody organized.

How many cucumber plants per trellis? ›

Cucumber seedlings grow fast! We like to start them in 4” pots instead of smaller cell trays, giving their roots plenty of space so they don't get root bound. These 4″ Pop-Out Pots work perfectly. Spaced about 12″ apart, we're able to grow up to four cucumber vines on our 4-foot wide deluxe cucumber trellis.

What is the easiest trellis to build? ›

The easiest trellis to build is a simple A-frame shape, made from something as simple as bamboo and tied together with twine.

How do you make a DIY trellis? ›

6 Easy Steps to Build Your Own Trellis
  1. Step 1: Select your branches. Scout out branches in your yard that are about 2" thick. ...
  2. Step 2: Clean up branches. ...
  3. Step 3: Choose your metal wire.
  4. Step 4: Wrap branches together.
  5. Step 5: Position trellis.
  6. Step 6: Weave plants into place.

What is the best support for cucumbers? ›

Supporting Cucumber Plants on Trellises

That said, an ideal cucumber trellis should be at least 4 or 5 feet tall. Using a wide trellis allows you to grow several cucumber plants side-by-side up the same trellis, spaced about a foot apart along the base.

Is it better to grow cucumbers vertically or horizontally? ›

Cucumbers are natural climbers and, if unsupported, will sprawl across the ground. However, if grown at ground level, the plant is more vulnerable to rot, diseases and pests. Growing cucumbers vertically reduces the likelihood of your plant succumbing to rot and disease, since it improves the air circulation.

Can a cucumber trellis be vertical? ›

Growing your cucumbers vertically can save you several square feet of garden space, which you could use for growing other vegetables. Here is a very simple and inexpensive trellis that you could build in just a couple hours.


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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

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Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

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Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.