Introduction to the Custom Design Flow: Building a · Introduction to the Custom Design Flow: Building a standard - [PDF Document] (2024)

Introduction to the Custom Design Flow: Building a standard cell

EE241 Tutorial 3Written by Brian Zimmer (2013)


In Tutorial 1 (GCD: VLSI’s Hello World), you used the digital design flow to place-and-route apre-existing library of standard cells based on an RTL description. In Tutorial 2 (Using VLSI FlowOutputs), you place-and-routed a 4-to-16 decoder, imported the design into Cadence Virtuoso, andinvestigated the difference in timing and power measurements from the digital design tools, non-parasitic transistor-level simulation, and parasitic transistor-level simulation. In this tutorial, youwill use Cadence Virtuoso to create your own standard cell that can be used in the digital designflow, and learn how to run Monte Carlo simulations in order to investigate the effects of variability.

The custom design flow is shown in Figure 1. You start with a schematic representation of thecircuit, and run simulations to verify functionality and performance. Then, you layout your design,and run Design Rule Checks (DRC) to verify that the layout is manufacturable, and Layout-Versus-Schematic (LVS) to verify that your layout matches your schematic. Last, you run parasiticextraction on your design to account for the contribution of wires and vias, and run simulationagain on the extracted design.

To analyze the effect that variability has on your design, you can run a Monte Carlo analysis, whichsimulates your circuit hundreds of times while varying process parameters according to expectedprocess variability.

In order to use your standard cell in a digital flow, you will need to describe the cell’s pre-computedtiming characteristics (so it can be synthesized) and physical attributes (so it can be place-and-routed). We will use Synopsys Library NCX to automatically simulate the cell at different temper-atures, voltages, and process corners for different input slopes and output loads. NCX will create a.lib file that can be compiled into a binary .db file for use in the flow. We will use Cadence Virtuosoto generate an abstract view that only contains pins and metal layers, export this to a textual .leffile, then use Synopsys Library Compiler to generate a binary Milkyway file for use in the flow.

Getting Started

Load the EE241 environment, then download a set of scripts that will allow you to characterize yourown standard cell. On BWRC machines, replace ∼ee241 with /tools/designs/ee241 throughout thistutorial.

% source ~ee241/tutorials/ee241.bashrc

% cd /scratch/userA

% git clone ~ee241/tutorials/gen_stdcells

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 2



Conceptual Custom Design “Flow”

Schematic Entry(Cadence Virtuoso)

Layout Entry(Cadence Virtuoso)

DRC(Synopsys Hercules)

Circuit Topology

SPICE netlist

Physical layout

LVS(Synopsys Hercules)

Extraction(Synopsys StarRCXT)

Simulation(At any stage using Synopsys HSpice)

SPICE netlistincluding parasitic R and C


Layout and schematic match


Custom Design--Library

The “default” devices are nmos4t and pmos4tMulti-vth: _hvt, _lvtIos: _18, _25Resistors: rnpoly, rppoly (unsalicided), _wos (salicided)Diodes: nd, pdBJT: hnpn, vpnpSymbol name is the name in virtuoso, spice name is the device name used in netlists

Figure 1: Custom design ”flow.”

Also, if you have not completed tutorial 1 and tutorial 2, you need to download a directory to runVirtuoso inside, and the decoder place-and-route directory.

% git clone ~ee241/tutorials/ee241_virtuoso

% git clone ~ee241/tutorials/decoder_analysis

Schematic Entry

Start Cadence Virtuoso.

% cd ee241_virtuoso

% virtuoso &

In Virtuoso, make a new library by going to File — New — Library. Call it (customcells), thenselect “Attach to an existing technology library” and choose SAED PDK 32 28.

Then go to File — New — Cell, and name the cell NAND2X1B RVT, and set the view to”Schematic.”

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 3

First, add the pins to the file. Go to Create — Pins (or press p). Enter ”A1 A2” under ”PinNames”, then click on the schematic to place them. Next, change the ”Direction” to ”Output” andplace ”Z”. Last, change ”Direction” to ”inputOutput” and place ”VDD” and ”VSS.”

Now you need to enter the devices in the NAND2. Go to Create — Instance (or press i), set theLibrary to ”SAED PDK 32 28”, the cell to ”nmos4t”, and the view to ”symbol.”

Change the width of each NMOS to 630n M (note: ”n M”, not ”nM”). Click in another box, andnotice how the source/drain area and periphery change automatically. Virtuoso will try to guessparasitics from the source and drain before layout based on the length and width and design rules.Post-layout extraction will replace these values in the netlist (AS, AD, PS, PD) with the actualvalues. For example, in a NAND gate the diffusion for the NMOS can be shared, and no contactis needed, decreasing the parasitics from what the schematic would estimate.

Place two PMOS with a width of 760n. Now, go to Create — Wire, then click on the starting andending point of a wire. If a diamond appears over the desired terminal, press ”s” to snap the wireto that location. Finish wiring up the design until it looks like Figure 2. Note that both NMOSbulk terminals must be connected to VSS. Go to File — Check and Save to finish.

Figure 2: Schematic of the 2-input NAND gate.

Now make a symbol view so your cell can be instantiated in other designs and netlisted. Go toCreate — Cellview — From Cellview, and click ok in the dialog box. You can leave the symbolas is, or use the drawing tools to draw a NAND symbol. When you are done, save and close thewindow.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 4

Schematic Simulation

The best way to test design is to make a ”testbench” schematic, then instantiate your design withinit. This allows different tests for the same design, and won’t cause LVS conflicts. Go to File —New — Cell, and name the cell nand2 tb, and set the view to ”Schematic.”

Press i, and place your cell (NAND2X1b RVT). Using the “vdc” and “vpwl” components inanalogLib and the “vdd”, “gnd”, “noConn” components in basic, hook up VDD, VSS, and theinputs as shown in Figure 3. Add a 1fF capacitor as a load. Set the vpwl source on your input asfollows

• A: 3 pairs of points, T1: 0, V1: 0, T2: 100p, V2: 0, T3: 110p, V3: VDD val

Figure 3: Testbench to measure the delay of an inverter.

Note that ”VDD val” is not a typo–we are defining it as a parameter so it can be changed fromthe testbench. Go to File — Check and Save and fix any warnings or errors.

Now to simulate, go to Launch — ADE L.

Click on Variables — Copy from Cellview, then in the right pane, enter 1.05 as the value forVDD val. Go to Analysis — Choose, and set the stop time to 4n, and click ok. Then go toOutputs — To be Plotted — Select on Schematic, and click on both the A and Z bus (and selectall of their signals), then press “Esc” when finished. Last, go to Simulation — Netlist and Run,and make sure the design simulated as expected.

The default process corner for simulation is TT. You can change the corner by going to Setup —Model Libraries, and changing the section to ”SF”, ”FS”, ”SS”, or ”FF”. You can change thetemperature by going to Setup — Temperature.

Monte Carlo Analysis

While a real design kit will use measured silicon data to calibrate variability for many deviceparameters, our educational design kit will only vary the threshold voltage of a device. Threshold

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 5

voltage variation has been found to be Gaussian, so during Monte Carlo simulation, your circuitwill be simulated hundreds of times, but each time the threshold of each device will be shifted by anamount determined from sampling a Gaussian distribution for each device. The standard deviationof each device is inversely proportional to its size. In our process, Avt is assumed to be 2 mV·um.

σV th =2√

W ∗ L ∗ 1e6 ∗ 1e6mV (1)

Cadence Virtuoso cannot perform Monte Carlo simulation in ADE L. Virtuoso will run MonteCarlo in ADE XL, but only with the Spectre simulator, not HSPICE. Therefore to run MonteCarlo, there are two options: 1) Export the netlist and run HSPICE manually from the commandline or 2) use HSPICE built in utility in ADE-L to run Monte Carlo. The downside of the 2ndapproach is that it is no longer possible to run sweeps of a variable (such as the supply voltage), soyou will need to run on the command line to both sweep a variable and run Monte Carlo analysis.

To run Monte Carlo, in your open ADE L window, go to Tools — HSPICE Statistical. Under”Number of runs” enter 300, and check the box next to ”Enabled.” Under the outputs tab in theMeasurements section, click on ”Open.” Enter the settings shown in Figure 4, and click ”Add”, then”Close.” Now inside the HSPICE Monte Carlo Analysis window, under the ”Simulation” sectionclick ”Netlist-Run.” You should see different delays for different iterations as shown in Figure 5.

Figure 4: Settings to measure the delay through an inverter.

For any measurement, statistics are automatically calculated in the Measurement Variation Statis-tics section as shown in Figure 6. Here you can get a quick mean and sigma measurement. Toview the distribution, click ”Get Variation Statistics”, then click ”Plotting as.” To export thisdata for more detailed processing, change the mode from ”Hist” to ”Scatter” and set Y as yourvariable and X as index as shown in Figure Then in the plotting window, right click on the signalname — Send To — Export as shown in Figure 7. You can also find the .mt file in /simula-tion/inverter tb/HSPICE/schematic/psf/input.mt0.

In the HSPICE window, go to File — Save Setup so it can be easily loaded later. If you do thisfrom the ADE L window, you will lose HSPICE-specific information.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 6

Figure 5: Different inverter delays due to local variation.

Figure 6: Generate a scatterplot of a measured value.

Layout Entry

In this tutorial, we will design a new NAND2 gate. To save time, we will use an existing cell asa template. In the CIW, go to Tools — Library Manager, choose the saed32nm rvt library , andchoose the cell as NAND2X1 RVT, then right click on ”Layout” and choose ”Copy”. Change the”To” library to ”customcells” and cell to NAND2X1B RVT and click ok. Note that you are onlycopying the layout view–do not override the schematic you just created!

Now open the layout view NAND2X1B RVT in the customcells library, and you should see thelayout in Figure 8. Based on the naming of the cell, the ”X1” means that the drive strength should

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 7

Figure 7: Export variable to a CSV file.

be larger than NAND2X0 RVT. However, the designers accomplished this by adding 2 extra inverterstages as a buffer. The fanout between the 1st/2nd stage and the 2nd/3rd stage is less than 4, andtherefore is not optimal.

We can improve this gate both in terms of performance and area by reverting it to a single stagewhile retaining drive strength by increasing the NMOS and PMOS size. To accomplish this, eachPMOS will need to be 760nm wide and the NMOS will need to be about 630nm wide (1.5 increasein size because of the stack). However, these devices will not fit on the standard cell pitch, so weneed to multi-finger both the NMOS and PMOS as shown in Figure 9. Following the guidelinesbelow, modify your layout until it looks like the figure.

You only need a few commands to change the layout. By pressing ∼, 1, 2, 3 etc you can show onlycertain layers. Press Shift-1 to add M1 to whatever is visible. To move something, hover over theobject, then press ”m” on the keyboard. To make something bigger or smaller, hover over the edgeof the object, then press ”s” on the keyboard, then click again at the final location. Press ”Esc” ifyou selected something incorrectly. To add new wire, press Ctrl-Shift-W (then F3 will change theoptions such as the width). To just add a rectangle, select the desired layer in the layer pallete,and press ”r”. Then click on the two corners to create.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 8

Figure 8: Educational standard cell library NAND2X1 RVT

Make sure you resize all of the wells as well as the yellow boundary to the new cell dimensions (tryto emulate the left end of the cell.) Make all of the layers visible to ensure that you didn’t missanything. All of the pin labels should already exist, but if deleted one, go to Create — Label, enterthe terminal name, then select the layer to be M1PIN.


When you believe the layout matches the schematic, go to Hercules — Run LVS. Wait a few secondsfor the “Block” entry to be filled in automatically as shown in Figure 10, then press “Execute.” Inthe options tab, choose both ”General” and ”LVS” from the menu, and make sure that the Blockand Library entries are correct. If you are having problems running, close all of your designs in theCIW by going to File — Close Data — All — Ok, and make sure there are no abstract views inyour design.

If you are having problems passing LVS, you will see an error like Figure 11. Click on the ”LVSErrors” tab, then the design under ”First Priority.” The best approach for small circuits is to lookdirectly at the netlists as shown in Figure 12. First check to make sure that all of the ports aredefined and match, then look at the rest of the netlist and see if either the number of devices, theproperties, or the connections are wrong.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 9

Figure 9: An improved 2-input NAND layout


When you believe the layout matches the schematic, go to Hercules — Run DRC. Wait a fewseconds for the “Block” entry to be filled in automatically then press “Execute.”

Double click on the DRC error to see the error on the layout. Each error entry will provideadditional details about what failed, as shown in Figure 13.


To run parasitic extraction in Virtuoso, open the layout view and go to StarRC — ParasiticGeneration co*ckpit. The setting should be automatically loaded for you as shown in Figure 14,but some options are useful to understand.

• Extract Parasitics Tab — Extraction. RC will extract both resistance and capacitance.

• Extract Parasitics Tab — Couple to Ground = NO will include coupling between nets in yourextraction

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 10

Figure 10: Hercules LVS dialog settings.

Figure 11: Typical error dialog for LVS.

• Extract Parasitics Tab — Additional Options, allows you to set a threshold to try to reducedevice count

Now click “Apply” and wait a minute while extraction runs. When it finishes, go to your newlibrary and open the “starrc” view of the decoder cell. If you zoom in, you can see the annotatedparasitics overlaid on your layout. By going to StarRC — Parasitic Prober you can explore the

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 11

Figure 12: Debugging LVS using the netlist

Figure 13: Typical DRC errors.

parasitics in your design.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 12

Figure 14: StarRC settings.

Extracted Simulation

Next, we need to make a “config” view that will let us tell the simulator whether to simulate withthe schematic view or the starrc view. Go to File — New — Cellview, and enter

• Cell: nand2 tb (the testbench you just created)

• View: config

Then click enter the settings shown in Figure 15. When the next window opens, go to File — Save.Now in the schematic window, go to Launch — ADE L. Go to Setup — Simulator, and make sureHSPICE is chosen. Click on Setup — Design, and choose View: config, and press ok. Enter thesame settings as your schematic level, and run the simulation.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 13

Figure 15: Settings for the new config view.

Next, you need to tell the netlister to choose the extracted view instead of the schematic view.Open the config view of nand2 tb, (click “yes” for Configuration config), then in the “View to Use”column for the “NAND2X1B RVT” instance, enter starrc as shown in Figure 16. Then go to File— Save.

Cell Characterization

.lef/Milkyway generation

Open the layout view of your new cell, and go to Tools — Abstract Generation. Click on yourcell, then ”Move Cell” to the ”Core” bin. Click on the Options tab, then click ”...” next to ImportOptions, navigate to gen stdcells/abstract.options, then click ”Import”. Now click ”Start.” In theCIW, go to File — Export — LEF, and create the file gen stdcells/lefs/nand2x1b rvt.lef. Set thelibrary name to ”customcells”, output cell to ”nand2x1b rvt”, and view to ”abstract.” Then checkthe box next to ”no technology”, and click ”ok.”

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 14

Figure 16: Change the config view to use the extracted netlist.

Now you need to convert the LEF file to a MW file. There is a Makefile that performs this process.First look at the generated LEF file to make sure all of the pins exist and have the correct direction.

% cd /scratch/userA/gen_stdcell/lefs/

% vim nand2x1b_rvt.lef

% make

.lib/.db generation

You will need a netlist of devices to characterize. Open the schematic of your design, go to Launch— ADE L, then Setup — Environment, and check the box next to ”setTopLevelAsSubckt” and”HSPICE Case Sensitivity”. Now, go to Simulation — Netlist — Create, then File — Save As, andplace it in the gen stdcells/netlists directory as nand2x1b rvt.sp. Then, open this file in an editor,and delete everything before the .subckt line (but maintain the first line as a comment!)

Library NCX automatically recognizes the functions of different cells, and based on the existingtechnology settings, creates a set of HSPICE simulations that will generate a .lib file for you. Afterthat, the Makefile calls IC Compiler to convert the .lib file to a .db file. Generate timing informationfor your cell, then open the .lib file to see what happened.

% cd /scratch/userA/gen_stdcell/

% make

% vim customcells.lib


pin (Y) {

direction : "output";

function : "!(A1 * A2)";

related_power_pin : "VDD";

related_ground_pin : "VSS";

timing () {

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 15

related_pin : "A1";

timing_type : "combinational";

timing_sense : "negative_unate";

cell_rise ("del_1_7_7") {

index_1("0.0160000, 0.0320000, 0.0640000, 0.1280000, 0.256000 ...

index_2("0.1000000, 0.2500000, 0.5000000, 1.0000000, 2.000000,...

values("0.0158369, 0.0167964, 0.0182212, 0.0211338, 0.0268709,...

"0.0229815, 0.0243130, 0.0263408, 0.0299642, 0.0359516, 0.04...

"0.0341857, 0.0360079, 0.0388393, 0.0438080, 0.0522559, 0.06...

"0.0526853, 0.0552465, 0.0589251, 0.0657167, 0.0774758, 0.09...

"0.0862680, 0.0890297, 0.0939580, 0.1024084, 0.1180048, 0.14...

"0.1502805, 0.1536840, 0.1593136, 0.1690508, 0.1877911, 0.22...

"0.2778792, 0.2797484, 0.2856589, 0.2970177, 0.3184407, 0.35...



The lib file holds a 2d table indexed by index 1 (rise/fall time on the input) and index 2 (loadcapacitance). It is important to have a feeling for how this was generated. Open the spice file thatwas used to generate this data

% cd sim_dir/lib/customcells/NAND2X1B_RVT/tY_A1_0000f

% vim tY_A1_0000f.sp


.DATA stimdata

index nc_td adrv_cap iptr cap_Y

+ t_A10 v_A10 t_A11 v_A11 t_A12 v_A12 t_A13 v_A13 t_A14 v_A14 t_A15 v_A15 t_A16 v_A16 t_A17 v_A17 t_A18 v_A18 t_A19 v_A19

+ t_A110 v_A110 t_A111 v_A111 t_A112 v_A112 t_A113 v_A113 t_A114 v_A114 t_A115 v_A115

+ t_A20 v_A20 t_A21 v_A21

1 4.01e-09 5e-12 1.6e-11 1.0000000000e-16

+ 0 0 4e-09 0 4.01e-09 0 4.012666667e-09 0.05 4.015333333e-09 0.2

+ 4.018e-09 0.3325197896 4.020666667e-09 0.44801579 4.023333333e-09 0.55 4.026e-09 0.6412598948 4.028666667e-09 0.724007895

+ 4.031333333e-09 0.8 4.034e-09 0.8706299474 4.036666667e-09 0.9370039475 4.039333333e-09 1 4.042e-09 1

+ 4.044666667e-09 1 0 1 4e-07 1

2 4.01e-09 5e-12 1.6e-11 2.5000000000e-16

This structure will run a simulation for each line in the .DATA section and effectively sweeps bothdimensions of the table. Notice the end of each line 1.000000000e-16 and 2.5000000000e-16. for theparameter cap Y. This matches the values in index 1.

Now use a waveform viewer to see what happened when the simulation ran.

% cd sim_dir/lib/customcells/NAND2X1B_RVT/tY_A1_0000f

% wv tY_A1_0000f.tr0 &

Then plot v(n a1) and v(n y), and you should see something similar to Figure 17.

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 16

Figure 17: NCX characterization of a NAND2 gate


First, optimize the timing for the existing 4-to-16 decoder and note the critical path.

% cd /scratch/userA/decoder_analysis/build-rvt/

% vim Makefrag

% ....

clock_period = 0.08


# add

Then run place-and-route and record the critical path length and the gates that it goes through.

Now you need to let Design Compiler and IC Compiler know about your new library. Add thefollowing lines to both dc-syn/Makefile and icc-par/Makefile (replace it with the correct path)

% cd /scratch/userA/decoder_analysis/build-rvt/dc-syn

% vim Makefile

% ....

toplevelinst = ...

# Hack for custom cells

mw_sram_libs = /scratch/userA/gen_stdcells/lefs/customcells

db_sram_libs = /scratch/userA/gen_stdcells/customcells.db

% cd /scratch/userA/decoder_analysis/build-rvt/icc-par

% vim Makefile

% ....

toplevelinst = ...

# Hack for custom cells

mw_sram_libs = /scratch/userA/gen_stdcells/lefs/customcells

db_sram_libs = /scratch/userA/gen_stdcells/customcells.db

EE241 Tutorial 3, Introduction to the Custom Design Flow, Spring 2013 17

Now rerun both synthesis and place-and-route, and check the Verilog output to make sure yourgate was instantiated. If it was not, check the log file for errors (search for your cell name:NAND2X1B RVT).

Introduction to the Custom Design Flow: Building a · Introduction to the Custom Design Flow: Building a standard - [PDF Document] (2024)


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