Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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Fort Worth Star-Telegrami

Fort Worth, Texas

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1' 2E Fort Worth STAR-TELEGRAM Sun Mar 21 1965 7HE WEEK IN STOCKS: Broad Pessimism Quickly Halts Rallies of a nature much more effective than mere talk is necessary Some congressmen are said to oppose a tax rise on the anything higher than the 5 per cent discount rate decreed a week ago Thursday despite some pressure for higher rates The Fed is adopting a more stringent policy in controlling the flow of credit But it is clear that the job cannot be done by monetary policy alone Fiscal restraint return on investment There is a great deal of cash on the sidelines not only in the hands of individuals but in the hands of pension funds mutual funds trusts and other institutions and eventually much of this must be expected to find its way into equities Corporate earnings as a whole ought to be good in 1968 even if a tax increase is passed DOVV-TONES INDUSTRIAL AVERAaM NYSE INDEX 0 props from under last week's gold arrangements besides being highly unwelcome on solely domestic grounds It might well turn out that congressmen who are worried over the political effect a tax boost might bring will be worrying next Fall about the political effects of runaway inflation And it seems likely that a large part of the electorate is much more financially sophisticated than the congressmen believe they have been told over and over again that fiscal irresponsibility in Washington is the cause of 30 10 30 Since the general atmosphere of the stock market is now one of pessimism the contrary thinkers keep saying a rally is overdue But every-time a rally gets started there are en ugh bears around who seize upon it to unload stock This past week was the tenth on the downside out of 12 weeks of 1968 And the net result was that by Thursday a new low close for the year almost under the 1967 low was posted Friday's seesaw market brought a tiny rise but the Dow average now stands at 82605 off 7906 or about 88 per cent from the 1967 close of 90511 THE WEEK opened with the rally from the previous Friday carrying over and with buying very heavy in response to the week-end agreement to set up a two-tier price system for gold But it lasted onlp an bvir or two and the bulls were hard put to maintain a modest rise of 254 points by the end of Monday's session Then the average shed 1496 points and went into Friday feeling pretty bad A brief rally on peace talk once more was shot down and Friday's tiny gain amounted to only 092 Clearly the market needed better excuses than gold and peace talk to get a rally going The most effective bit of news of course would be real peace in Vietnam but nobody was expecting that to develop Some could cite a number of reasons for thinking stocks might move up from near resent levels FOR EXAMPLE: Stocks are depressed Compared with their 1967-68 highs many good issues have drooped anywhere from 20 to 50 per cent and there must be some bargains among them Yields on many good stocks have improved substantially There are a lot of stocks that now offer 5 to 6 per cent as a ground that the economy may proceed at a slower pace in the second half of the year (the half in which the election comes) The current steel inventory-building is bound to slow down but economists see little elsewhere to suggest anything but a continued rise in economic activity BUSINESS capital spending plans show an upturn of almost 7 per cent to a new peak for 1963 Retail business is up 7 per cent auto sales 11 per cent housing starts 8 per cent local government spending is running 10 per cent ahead of last year and federal spending even if it's cut by the $9 billion President Johnson has talked about will still be much higher than last year These factors are counted upon to produce a record jump of $20 billion in the gross national product That cannot be sustained without bringing sharper inflation than we have had And sharper inflation would knock the 3 3 3 BRITAIN ACrED with dispatch to meet its money crisis by introducing a stringent budget that lifts taxes by $22 billion a year and cuts the real standard of living by I per cent Ncw the onus is on the United States to take similarly harsh measures and if we do not act the dramatic arrangements on the gold problem made last week might tall apart The Federal Reserve apparently is determined to avoid for the time being at least I WHAT THIS means for the market is hard to say If Congress acts as Britain has acted or even moderately in that direction and the threat of runaway inflation is contained then the market could mount a rally that would be sustained In the absence of some such action it's hard to find grounds for much bullishness MONROE ---70a'205'' LIA 55 5 6 78- 85LoATI ES ITIIIN REEK 1111111c ON THE DOW OE NYSE INDEX 845 II 1111111111 DAILY CLOSE SCALE ON LEFT 10E 55 1 840 Emil 104 IIIMIE Jll 5543 Lainallaillm i orr 10C 52- 1 I allIMIPM1111E11111111" IIIIIIIIIII 98i 4 825- 1 I I 51'-4 1 1 96( 1 820- 111 I 50-4 I 1 1 i I oi 1 111111( 194( i 1 III 1147-r- 4a-4 I IN I 5-- 1" Ili 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2534 2514 12 ColuPic 15h x158 2714 2534 2614 Col SoDb 160 x102 3934 3834 3814 V2 CombEn 240 217 68 6512 657'e 14 ComiCre 180 628 334 3234 3234 V2 ComCr of450 z950 6914 66 66 -2 ComSoiv 120 157 36 3334 3414 ComlSol pf90 14 2212 2134 2114 ComwEd 220 X467 4412 4212 43 -1 Corn 0142 x42 2814 2814 2834 Comw Oil 60 1008 In 19 1912 we Comsat 336 5014 4534 464e -234 Cone Mills 1 58 2012 2014 2014 Conoolum 80 110 2512 2412 24134 -112 ConracCp 60 71 4734 4534 46134 Con Edis 180 700 33 3214 32 4re ConEd of wi 31 10012 100 100 ConEdis of 5 28 7912 78 7812 14 ConElecind 1 268 3714 WI 347'e -114 ConFood 150 235 54 5214 524e Con Frght 80 189 3314 3114 3112 341 ConNat0 170 434 28 2712 2734 is ConsPwr 190 271 3814 3734 38 ConPw p1452 2100 75 75 75 ConPw p3450 z870 757'e 74 74 -1 Containr 140 258 28we 2734 28 ContAirL 50 635 1912 1812 1834 ContBak 130 192 38 3614 3634 -114 CtBdk of 550 z260 89 8712 8712 -112 Cont Can 2 281 4P4 4512 46 CICan of 375 220 7414 7312 7312 -214 Cont Cop 70b 282 2312 20 20734 -114 Ct Cop pf125 z160 1914 19 19 12 Cant Ins 320 550 8014 7734 79 ContMta 212 149 5012 45 5014 Cont Mot 40 17 17 1612 1654 Cont Oil 280 522 69 65 6514 -112 Cont Oil of 2 39 50 48134 4914 34 Cont 511 180 34 4012 40 4012 14 138 74 67 26 298 942 the other three days Week's high 85425 week's low 81761 week's close 82605 week's decline 1150 Stk Div Sole 00 High Low Close Nt Ch I Stk Div Sc A Beck Shoe of Beckman 50 Abacus 701 49 1614 We 1619 1st BectonDk 30 Abbott Lab 1 191 4412 4312 44 34 i BeechAirc lb Abex CP 160 x130 30 2834 2834 14 Delco Pet 50 ACF Ind 220 451 4241 40 401'2 -We Bel Hem 70b Acme Mkt 2b 83 3812 3714 3714 19 Bell How 50 AdamE 250e 70 3214 31 3114 12 Bell intercon AdamExp wi 18 1614 1614 1614 1e BemisCo 160 AdMillis 40a 291 4511 4119 4212 -1 Bendix 140 Address 140 610 5912 5214 5412 -We Bendix pi 3 Admiral 264 19112 1814 1814 BenefPin 160 Aerooui lb 19 5014 4712 48 -2 BentIF 0550 Air Prod 20b 54 3479 3312 341e BenflP pf450 Air Pd p1475 5 10712 106 10712 4 14 BenfIF o1430 AirRedin 150 206 3139 301s 3014 112 BenF 50250 Ai Industries 508 1014 912 9Ve 12 Bencluel Ale Gas 96 27 18 1712 1712 12 Berkey 109f Alberto 20 274 3641 32 323e -214 Berman Leas AlcanAlum 1 1044 24 22 2214 Beryllium 60 All ea Cp 20g 334 1519 133s 141s 7e Beth Sit 160 Ailed 6pf 60 x7 5134 49 49 -214 Big Three 60 AllegLud 240 113 62712 61141 6234 34 BlackDk 105 Al leaLud pf 3 4 72 71 72 Blew Kn 160 Alleg Pw 120 168 2219 1119 2112 BlissLau 180 Allenind 140 10 2534 2519 2514 12 Blue Bell 1 SO AlliedCh 190 624 3514 3414 3412 14 Bobbie Brks Allied Kid 1 41 2612 2412 2412 14 Boeing 120 Allied Mills 2 3 4414 4454 4411 BoiseCasc 25 Allied Pd 60 262 416 40 4034 -Pe BoiseC of140 AlliedPd of 3 1 89 89 89 Bond Strs 1 AlliedStr 140 188 3812 3734 38 12 BookMth 160 AlliedSt of 4 2320 66 65 65 12 Borden 120 AlliedSup 60 157 18 1712 1734 112 BoroWar 125 Allis Chal 1 1948 3414 2914 2912 -2 BormariF 80 Aloha Cem 89 1234 121s 1214 14 Bos Edls 208 Alside 20 121 1214 1012 1112 Ve Bost Me CP Alcoa 180 369 69 M12 66 -234 AmalSuo 140 4 2854 28 28 58 Booms Inc Am 12 BrantAir 250 erace 120 34 29 29 2912 14 Amerada 3 228 7912 77 7734 39 BrigasS 24" BristMyer la AAirFiltr 80 x24 32 31 31 14 BristAY pf 2 Am Aldo 80 1088 2614 2414 2434 -112 gdwv Hale I Arm Baker 1 126 2314 221s 231s BkitnLJG 168 AmBk Note 1 52 2171 21 21 -14 Brown Co 60 Am Bosch 60 x197 4619 4212 4334 11 BwnCo pf150 AmBdcst 160 352 4912 4634 4714 BwnShar 140 Arm Can 220 390 49 4812 487e 34 EiwnShoe 130 ACan Pt 175 26 3034 30 30 Brunswick AM Cem 60 135 1514 143e 141e guckagg 120 A Chain 160 56 3714 3514 3534 14 BucyEr 120 AmCoall 130 68 5314 5154 51543 34 Budd Co 80 Amcons 65t 7 1814 1714 1714 -1 Budd Co pf 5 AmCrycl*t 80 24 111313 1Z 71- Buda Fin 64 Stk a Div Beck Shoe Of Beckman 50 BectonDk 30 BeechAirc lb Delco Pet 50 Bel Hem 70b Bell How 50 Bell intercon Bemis Co 160 Bendig 140 Bandit( pf 3 Benet Fin 160 RALLIES FIZZLE Brief and dramatic rallies on Monday and Friday were more than offset by losses on 963 518 186 16 355 164 82 3814 18 -1 3714 18 1836 442 53 59 46 121 238 66 145 16 2454 225 621 384 1912 1912 4734 54 6734 49 4016 30vo 1876 264 254 44 Stk Div Sale 00 High Low Close Nt Ch I Stk Div Sole 00 High Low Close Nt Ch II Pw pf235 z20 39 39 39 4 1 Maremont 1 62 25 2414 2434 11 Pw pf213 z10 3414 3414 2414 I Mar Mid 150 183 341A 3314 3312 II Pw 0210 z50 36 36 36 I Marouar 30t 258 137e 12 1254 54 mo Co Am 826 814 734 8 14 Mara Cm 60 147 14 1334 1334 14 ncome Caplt 115 912 912 9l4 '4 MarMcL 150 125 5934 57 5934 75 nCCum 37e 58 912 914 912 34 MarshField 2 62 5934 5834 585e ndian Hd 130 3614 34 35 MartinMar 1 547 191A 18 113v4 lie nd Genl 80 128 3014 2734 28 14 MryldCuo AO 21 35 3412 3412 ndpisPL 150 30 2034 28 2814 masonite 120 297 4112 39 4012 nElMex 480 2 712 712 712 Massey 1 531 1534 1514 15'4 Vs noerRand 2 ne 4154 3914 3914 --134 MassevF tn 1 23 1334 13 1313 niand SO 2 414 3134 31 31 14 Mattel 40 1120 5712 5137e 5314 274 nspir Cop 2 72 33 32 3234 54 MayDStr 160 459 37 3434 36 V2 nsNAm 240 439 5471 5174 523e May 450375 z40 6112 61 61 ntrchmr120 107 3541 34 3414 12 may 470375 130 61 61 61 ntchm 450 z10 74 74 74 May $90335 z40 6211 6212 6212 nterco 80 120 73 7014 70'4 34 MayD 0180 4 3312 3212 3212 nterco wi 2 36 36V4 3614 ays-IIN SOO 31 25 2414 241e Ve nterco ot210 2 72 7012 7012 Mavtao 180 42 3634 3534 36 34 nterikSt 180 56 2934 2812 2812 ss Stk Oivi Sole 00 High low Close Nt Ch Fla Pow 144 264 42 3858 3914 112 FlaPwL1 176 280 65 6315 6334 34 Fla Steel SO 17 17 1614 1614 287t 125 5214 5034 5134 34 Fluor Core WI 44 2634 2578 2575 3q Fly Tiger 10 833 2114 1812 1818 FMC 75 851 3314 32 3245 FMC of225 102 53 52 5215 14 FoodFair 90 175 1814 1734 18 Fd Fr 0420 250 7305 7358 7354 Foote CB 80 31 1315 1334 1314 FooteM 25q 51 2014 2994 30 Foot 0220 36 3714 3614 3614 14 FordMot 240 1262 5014 48 4 za ForMcK 25e 379 24 22 2214 12 FMcK of180 60 42 40 42 FostWhi 600 119 2314 2154 2114 Fost Wh Di 1 12 1012 1818 1815 14 Foxboro I 158 49 4512 4614 Frank Str 32 52 1514 1418 1434 18 FreeoSul 140 315 64 60 6014 FruehCo 170 x376 3415 3154 32 Fruehauf of 4 230 74 72 74 3 Fulton Ind 114 10 9315 916 15 Fulton I OA 1 13 1834 1812 1834 14 Fuclualnd 32 160 6914 73 644a 3774 2812 18 26 23V2 43 62 67 26 125 35 1331 340 239 1812 14 4512 537 6034 46 54 112 3714 2 8 3o 34 18 V4 26 '2 25 1 43 V2 1312 2114 12 2234 14 254 1 V2 7434 10 14 8112 16 24a 1 4 344 14 2614 5054 391'2 14 2514 167 2014 1478 z70 x12 Stk Div Sole 00 High Low Close Wt Ch I Stk Div Sate 00 High ioveClose Nt Ch Owensill of 4 25 683'4 7614 6634 -2141 Pullman 280 79 47714 47 47 t4 041d IndA 60 28 20 1914 1934 PurexCo 72b 429 31 2954 3034 114 Purex pfi35 1 44 44 44 -Vs Purolatr 160 19 4834 4774 4812 I Pac El 140 381 33174 3117 3134 -112 PacIntEx 80 50 2040 1917 1917 I Pac Lta 150 171 26117 2574 2574 vs QuakOat 120 x213 3717 Pac Pet J5q 829 163s 1512 15 A -1- -3-- 331 QuakOat of 7 WOO 10814 10612 10612 1 PacPwL 120 x122 23 2134 2174 34 QuakS1011 90 24 234 5 25V4 2534 17 PacSwAir 60 x207 2274 2074 2112 34 3534 3612 74 120 220 23374 23 23 -14' -s-Re-- of 6 z760 10434 102'4 10214 -134 RCA 1 1015 4834 46 4612 Va Pac Tin 60a 79 1317 1234 1234 12 42 106 10417 106 1174 Packard Bell 70 1414 1174 1314 Ws RCA cv of 4 RCA Of 350 170 63 6117 62 1 PanASul 150 723 32V4 3014 3114 34 RaistonP 140 Z848 2314 22V4 2312 112 Pan Am 40 1240 21 1934 19z6 14 Panh EP 160 240 32 30314 3114 14 Inc 92 135 2714 2574 26 1 Papercrft 44 214 2312 1 21 Ranc I 5912 1 5612 -24 664 7 Pargas 60 1012 1934 614 18 Ravbestos 3 45 74 RaistP ot120 983 3234 311e 3214 711 42 75 65 6234 63 -1- '7 Par9as 0264 86 5334 4774 I 88 0 1184 2134 1914 2034 17 Ai ParkeDavis 1 616 2534 2334 25 34 t3 vm Cl nit 140 8 523 54 Ravette 564 417s 3934 3914 -1 ParkHan 12D 186 50 4654 50 334 Ka 4478 314 Park Pen 80 87 2314 2217 2312 174 4 Ravth of112 22 A512 41 42 a14 17 Rea To Co 281 2574 2414 2512 -1-212 0 924 8334 7634 7914 PeCoal 25e 3190 45 3ii PeabC 10125 75830 2412 2414 2414 IN' Reading 1 of 83 2418 2214 2312 14 psnnDix 60b 187 1934 1734 18 v11 Reading 2 of 94 24nie 213is 23 14 Penn Fruit 390 1714 1614 1 7 RedOwl St 1 21 1834 18 1834 73 PennF of234 750 3714 3614 36'4 11 ReevesB 150 43 3614 3312 3512 211 Penney 160a 214 6714 6534 67 141 ReichCh 400 202 1474 1334 1414 Pennslt 120a 103 5514 54 5434 74 RellableStr 1 12 2234 2174 2174 Is Penslt of250 2 81 81 81 RellanEl 120 35 4614 45 74534 14 Pa Co of462 x4 7714 76 76 -1 RellanEl of 3 17 7314 71 7114 -Ps PGSand 160 37 50 49 50 12 Rellan Dt170 13 42 4012 4012 34 PennCen 240 2842 6412 59 6334 514 Republic CD 1809 5016 4234 4534 1 PaPwLt 156 72 21374 2834 2814 Reoub511 250 210 4074 40 4014 14 PaPL of 450 7730 74 7214 73 74 RevereC 150 167 33 3114 3234 -1- PaPL of 440 7330 72 7014 7014 12 Revlon 140 270 7812 7612 77 114 Pennzoil 140 134 10512100 10012 -177 Revlon of 1 5 64 6314 6334 3 PeopDra 110 22 19 1812 1827 Rex Cho 150 54 3814 35 35 -2 PeoQas n196 176 351's 34 74o iti RexCh 0250 1 49 49 49 1 'A POOGnBot 70 30 1014 1512 16 14 Rexall 3017 652 2812 2614 2736 11 PepsiCo 90 486 3914 37 373e 34 Rexad of 2 32 3712 36 36 -134 1 PeolaGas 196 125 3534 34 3414 34 Revn Met 90 507 4114 39 39 -Pe 'Perfect Film 586 5134 3912 4114 -614 RevM 0450 234 9412 88 88 -6' 1 Perkin Elm 404 3934 394 7 -134 ReyM 0237 3 4014 39177 4014 34 Pet Inc 1 356 2534 2414 24177 -1 RevnTob 220 593 4312 4217 4314 16 Pet Inc of 1 12 1774 1714 174 Vs RevT of 360 1 CPA 6114 6114 14 Pet Inc ofN 42 1734 1714 1712 IgheemM 140 42 5114 4834 4834 -2 I PetePaul 120 8 3514 1314 3474 -134 Rheingold 20 287 1774 1514 17 134 I Petrolane 130 142 3414 34 34 Petrim 159e 27 2234 2134 2134 4 311 RichMer 130 194 7814 7434 74174 -251 Riegel Pao 89 1914 1834 1834 5i PfizerC 120a 478 5974 5734 5874 134 RieaelT 120 150 3474 2917 3036 -21 PhelosD 340 503 6514 6212 63 -134 Ritt Pfau 60 162 3514 33174 3414 114 Phila El 164 329 2874 28 2834 14 RoanSe 167g 485 10V4 954 934 PhilE1 of468 7150 78 7717 7712 V7 RobertCont 1 59 35 3414 35 3 74 7317 7312 14 RobinsA 60a 32 5436 5214 5214 72 71 71 RochG 110b 50 2634 25774 2714 34 64 64 64 Roc Tel 1 77 37 36 3634 4- 1 82177 80 82174 1 RohmH 16017 64 7734 7414 75 -2 4814 UN 47177 14 Rohr Co 80 318 3114 2834 29133 6517 6514 6514 34 Ronson 50b 435 2214 20 2012 71 6334 60 60 -4 Roper GD 1 51 25172 2414 244 71 5614 5412 5474 Rorer 124 73 5014 4814 49 3 PhilVaH 79t 61 1734 17 17 12 RovCCota 72 109 2914 261'4 2914 3 Pike Coro 20 x446 28 2514 2574 -1 RoyDut 427t 640 4434 4134 4214 -414 Pillsbury 125 124 46 43 4334 -114 RovD fn4279 108 4374 41374 4214 PioerAir 140 39 4934 49 4934 34 Rubbrmd 96 60 3314 3234 3337 3 PitneyB 120 279 58 5514 5774 Ws RussTog 60b )4135 3812 3414 3517 -11 Pit co*ke 40 6 60 59 59 36 RvanAero 20 69 29 27 27 -1 Pco*ke 5of 5 720 78 78 78 A4 RvderSvh 80 X164 3134 2814 29 -1 Pco*ka 1:0400 1 7034 7034 70314 36 Pit Fora 80 53 1534 15 15 PittFtW of 7 730 11314 11314 11314 -I14 Safeway 110 839 28174 27 27 PitPlate 260 169 6474 6274 6471 134 StlosLd 280 185 4134 41 4112 A PitSteel DI A Z130 7712 7 77 -112 StLSanF 220 25 4314 42 Pitts Steel 151 1134 1 1134 Vie StJos LP 1 14 19 18 PUSH of275k z100 68 6 6714 -1 StRerIP 140b 2061 3317 3012 3014 1 124 4182147 1 Pittston 120b 267 4774 4512 454 sanDGas 192 57 4254) Al 4112 -11 Plough Inc 1 33 11414 112 114 117 Sanders 30 1665 4712 4134 4274 -2 Plough wi 1 5634 5634 17 56314 i anaamo 40 284 3234 29 2917 -11 Polaroid n32 2597 9717 09 9134 aFeDrill 30 283 3514 31174 3234 Poor Co 120 25 2334 2212 23 -r 11! SaVariPPEP 1 35 1834 1717 1717 -11 7 Porter 0530 7833 -r 0 7834 78 78 Schenley 180 4889 6714 61 6412 2 1 PortGEI 112 90 20 20 2034 Schniev of50 181 934 934 974 4 PotomEl 110 411 18 1814 "4 Schering 120 alo 594 57314 5814 74 11 Pot El of244 8 44 42 42 -2 Schick Prem Ind 80 24 34 3234 3334 112 Brw 1 68 39 634 3814 17 44 712 734 711 3 Proctr 240 272 8514 8414 84177 14 chlitz 1 PubSvcColo 1 331 20'41 1954 1934 WI Schimba 150 317 77 73 7414 13 PSvcEG 160 328 31i) 3014 3012 711 Scientif Data 2836 133 11314 12134 -4' PSEG of680 7170 107 106 107 -1 SCM CP 60b 594 45314 4034 41 7 PSEG pf528 7350 85 83 84 1 ScolLadF 60 x170 2714 26 2634 1 PSEG ot505 1170 82 8014 8014 -114 ScotiFore 60 74 32 3112 3134 3 PSEG of430 7140 7D34 70V4 70V4 -134 Scott Parer 1 1170 2414 23 2314 A PSEG of418 720 67 67 67 ScottPao of 4 z160 7634 75 7634 3 PSEG of408 720 67 67 67 14 ScoviliM 140 120 3112 2974 3014 7 13SEG D1140 31 2274 2214 22174 Scovill of250 10 4634 4417 46 -7' Pub 51ns 1- 199 42 3912 3934 -2 ScrewBt Joe 86 812 814 812 PSind pf108 7600 1712 1634 1674 -134 Scuddr Vst 191 Pio 714 714 3 PSInd of104 7300 17177 1712 1712 14 Scuddr of13e 42 934 874 914 1 Publkind 46f 87 814 814 814 Vs Sbd CstL 220 247 4234 4014 4134 I Pubikr 0475 710 6914 6914 6914 -134 Scab Fin 120 88 2034 20 20 3 Pueb Suo 44 63 3134 3034 31177 11749 Turn to NY Stocks on Page 4 PR Cem 110 30 20 1914) 1934 PuoSPL 168 121 3351 3134 3217 74 OuakOat 120 2013 3712 3534 3612 34 OuakOat of 7 WOO 10812 10612 106V2 1 QuakS1011 90 24 2534 2514 2534 12 RCA 1 1015 4831 46 4678 Va RCA cv of 4 42 106 10413106 114 RCA of 350 x170 63 6112 62 1 RalstonP AO 848 23V4 2214 2312 111 RaistP pf120 983 3234 311s 3216 4 7s Ranco Inc 92 135 2714 2574 26 is Raybestos 3 45 5912 5614 5618 -271 Ravette 60 75 65 6234 63 Ravm Int 80 1184 2154 1914 2014 Ravonier 140 564 415s 3914 3914 -1 Raytheon AO 924 8334 7634 7914 31 Ravth of112 22 A511 41 42 Reading Co 281 2578 2414 2534 211 Reading 1 of 83 24141 2218 2312 38 Reading 2 of 94 24nie 21311 23 RedOwl St 1 21 1834 18 1834 l'2 ReevesB 150 43 3614 3374 3534 248 ReichCh 4013 202 1471 1358 1414 RellableStr 1 12 2238 2134 2178 RelianEl 120 35 4658 45 4541- RellanEl of 3 17 7314 71 7114 -178 Reltan Dt170 13 42 4012 4012 Republic CD 1809 5011 4234 4534 9 ReoubSti 250 210 4076 40 4014 12 RevereC 150 167 33 3134 3248 -1- 38 Revlon 140 270 7812 7612 77 114 Revlon of 1 5 64 6314 6334 3 Rex Chn 150 54 3814 35 35 -2 RexCh 0250 1 49 49 49 Rexall 3013 652 2816 2616 2736 Ai Rexall of 2 32 3712 36 36 -134 Revn Met 90 507 4114 39 39 -Ws RevM pf450 234 9412 88 88 ReyM of-237 3 4014 39142 4014 34 RevnTob 220 593 4312 4212 4314 14 RevT of 360 1 6114 6114 6114 14 RheeniM 140 42 5114 4834 4834 -2 Rheingold 20 287 1778 1514 17 Ws RichMer 130 194 7814 7434 7414 -234 Riegel Pao 1 89 1914 1834 184 8 RiecielT 120 150 3478 2912 3018 -214 Ritt Pfau 60 162 3518 3314 3414 114 RoanSe 167g 485 1014 958 938 '2 RobertCont 1 59 35 3414 35 RobinsA 60a 32 5434 5214 5231 RochG 110b 50 2658 2578 2714 Roch Tel 1 77 37 36 3634 12 RohmH 16013 64 7714 7412 75 -2 Rohr Co 80 318 3112 2858 2912 's Ronson 50b 435 2214 20 201'8 78 Roper GD 1 51 2512 2414 2438 78 Rorer 124 73 5014 4814 49 RoyCCola 72 109 291'2 261'4 2932 4-3 RoyDut 427t 640 4434 4134 4214 --916's RoyD fn427t 108 43734 4134 4214 Rubbrmd 96 60 3312 3234 3312 34 6013 x135 3816 3434 3512 -13s RvanAero 20 69 29 27 27 -1 Rvder5vh 80 X164 3112 2816 29 -1 Safeway 110 839 2834 27 27 StlosLd 280 185 4114 41 4112 StJos LP 1 14 19 1812 1812 StLSanF 220 25 4314 4214 4214 StReciP 14013 2061 3312 3034 3014 SanDGas 192 57 4258 AI 4114 -111 Sanders 30 1665 4712 4136 4278 -2 Sangamo 40 284 3234 29 2912 -114 SaFeDrill 30 283 3514 3112 3256 SavannhEP 35 1834 1712 1712 -Iva Schenley 180 4889 6714 61 6418 214 Schnlev of50 181 914 934 934 Schering 120 alo 5914 5714 5834 134 Schick 44 712 734 738 Schlitz Brw 1 68 39 3634 3814 IN Schimba 150 317 77 73 7454 11s Scientif Data 2836 133 11356 12134 -414 SCM CP 6013 594 4518 4044 41 ScolLadF 60 x170 2714 26 2636 ScotiFore 60 74 32 3114 3134 Scott Paper 1170 2414 23 2314 ScottPap of 4 2160 7634 75 764 ScovilIM 140 120 3112 2978 3014 Scovill of250 10 4638 4412 46 -7s Screwl3t Joe 86 874 814 814 Scuddr Vst 191 778 714 714 Scuddr of13e 42 938 874 914 Sbd CstL 247 4234 4014 4134 Seab Fin 120 88 2034 20 20 Turn to NY Stocks on Page 4 65'i 5W' 51: sggq I MCA Inc 80 103 5713 54 56 y44 1414 13 217e 2054 2316 22 2514 23716 75 7414 1014 10 812 84 25 234 3412 3358 274 1612 547a 5054 41 3834 2712 2512 18034 1594 2114 2034 2541 2334 24541 76 11814 107 113-34 134 3434 3414 3434 34 524 5016 5014 34 3912 3614 37 24 2416 114 2514 2314 2514 134 3414 3314 3314 464 42 42 2234 2214 2256 2412 235a 234 3714 3614 3614 319 311 319 10 80 80 80 30'12 2834 3012 114 1314 1214 1314 48'4 4534 461 2 454 444 454 34 80 80 80 158 1458 15 1934 1912 19341 58 1534 148 154 29 2734 275e 103 58v2 5234 5312 29 2758 2754 103 5av2 5234 5312 Pa 9 51 12 13 14 14 711 5) 58 34 14 38 12 58 ntFlaFr 3613 x160 -56 -54 54141 PT JJ'l4 "V4 st McCall nt Nary 180 1271 3234 3034 311e 401) 3034 2934 30 nt Miner 1 2628 2174 2014 2114 McCord 120 88 28 24 2612 234 ntMiner of 4 1 61 61 61 McCrory 120 54 2534 2434 2434 12 McCro of450 z230 69 6814 6814 36 nt Mno Mb 1735 3512 32 3412 ntNick 280a 340 11334 10914 1067'4 McCrory6of 6 Z650 86 84 8414 34 ntl Packers 100 1014 974 9za tie McDermott 1 480 7214 70 713a 12 nt Pao 135 1824 2814 2612 267's 3'8 McDonld 811 201 79'4 74 7434 nt Pao of 4 z380 68 66)7 6712 McDonD 40b 5222 5374 4914 5114 12 nt PioeCer 1 67 2834 2614 267'4 34 McGrEd 140 207 38 3655 34 nt Poe of 5 2 8834 8814 13812 12 McG11111 60a 503 4112 3712 3834 ntFlaFr 3613 x160 56 54 5414 I MC6P1 15-C 2 1434 1212 a34 7210 69 6814 6814 Via '2 391 7650 86 84 8414 480 7214 70 7154 12 201 7914 74 7434 5222 5374 4914 5114 207 38 38 3854 38 4111 A17 17110 1034 So 207 38 3612 3654 38 503 4174 3712 3814 Phi IE I 0440 7600 PhilE1 0430 7130 PhilE1 13 t380 720 Phil Rda 160 283 PhilMorr 140 112 thiPhilMer et 4 7110 PhilM 0390 7550 I Phil! Pet 240 948 PhilE1 0f440 7600 PhilE1 131430 7130 I PhilEI 0380 720 Phil Rda 160 283 PhilMorr 140 112 PhilMor of 4 7110 PhilM 0390 7550 Phil! Pet 240 948 Gam Sko 130 341(7anIS o115 df160 Gar Wood 265 Gam Sko 130 GaniS pfl5 GarnS Gar Wood Gard Den 165 54 2214 2014 2114 194 514 512 2214 2014 2114 1934 Cont Tel 60 769 Control Bata 5273 Conwod 160a 15 CookCof 227f 89 Cooper In 120 99 Cower TR 1 152 CoopT Pf125 47 Copeland 120 22 Cop*rng 50 87 CopwlSti 120 36 CorinthB 07e 42 Corn Pd 170 722 CorGW 250a 55 Come pf350 z50 Coronet 40 71 Cowles 50 60 CosBdcas 50 72 Crane Co 160 92 Crane 0375 z100 Crescent 15e 342 Cresct 0125 3 CrompKn 80 40 Crouse Hind 1 48 Crow Coll 71 225 Crown Cork 147 CrownCk of 2 5 CrownZe 220 197 Cm pf420 z350 Cruc Sti 120 194 CIS Coro 40 74 Cudahy Co 185 Cudahv of 11 Culligan 48 27 Cummins 80 58 CuneoPr 20e 6 CtinnDruct 70 9 Curtis Pub 193 Curt Pub 3of 31 Cur Pub 60pf 13 Curtiss Wr 1 300 Curt Wr A 2 5 Cutler 120 335 Cyclops 180 15 CyprusM 140 218 Intl Rectif 171 1912 17 1712 McGH 0120 Int Salt 180 15 4312 42 4214 34 McGreoA 60 IntSilver 70 144 2812 27 2734 14 McIntvr 230 IntSilv ofA75 38 28 28 28 14 McKee 150 Int TST 85 8-'99 4812 45 4512 14 McLeanT 80 ofC4 24220 160 15334 15334-1234 McLouth 160 OD 4 z110 154 152 152 McNeil 120 IntTST ag 4 z6I0 146 141 141 McQuav 80 cifF 4 43 131 131 131 Mead Co 190 offl 4 8 95112 93 93 Mead of425 DfJ 4 24 9312 9212 92TA MPnei ne) an pfF 4 43131 131 Mead Co 190 ofri 4 8 95112 93 93 Mead of425 of1 4 24 9312 9212 9234 it4 Mead pf280 514 2112 134 194s 4134 14 3314 2814 2714 31 7314 14 8 14 49 ACrYS ri 140 56 277e 2612 2716 i37(1 C67) ACry of 450 230 70 70 70 V2 Buff Fo Pie 1 33 AmCvan 125 1596 2334 2214 2234 14 Bullard 1'1 29 AmDist 1406 7 3434 3414 3434 34 Bulova 7013 64 An DualVest 167 III6 1014 1014 12 Bun Hill 120 101 ADuai pf84a x51 13 1276 1234 405 Burl Ind 120 292 Am ElPw 152 411 3434 3312 3312 -4 Burndy 60 103 AmEnke 130 6705 43 3912 40 -134 Burroughs I x2373 Am Exp Ind 1059 4514 38 4376 -5 4341BushTer 20r 12 AE wind pfA6 2280 80 7014 7912 12 AmHoist 140 176 4434 4234 4234 34 A Home 120 959 5234 51 5134 A Horne pf 2 16 7834 7612 7612 122 Cal Finani 276 Am Hosp AO 293 7812 76 7634 14 Cal liciGs 60 108 Am Intl 130e 9 1634 1614 1612 14 CallahM 43f 656 Am mist 110 59 1812 1734 17345 12 CalumH 120 155 ArnInv p0525 z10 8434 8474 8476 IN CampRI45a X1129 ArrsAAFdy 90 605 1914 1814 1814 CamR fn45a 1 AMet Cl 190 409 4934 4712 4934 214 Camp Soup I 339 AAAet of 425 2 120 120 120 Can Dry 50 80 Am Motors 2735 12 1014 1012 -34 CaDry 0425 2100 ArnitslatGas 2 424 3612 3514 3534 Cdn Brew 40 19 Am News 1 76 30315 2914 2976 18 CdnPao 145e 51 Am Photocpy 1202 1834 1634 1676 cdnP fn145e 7 AReerch 080 1071 14812 13114 141 -1 (-anal Rand I 34 Am Seat 1 37 23 2234 2276 Canteen 80 192 Am Ship 60 76 2114 20 20 16 ap Bdcst 149 Am Smelt 3 186 7334 6734 6736 -574 Larbrun 130 51 AmSoAfr 70 2015 67le 6134 6312 -512 Carlisle 60 167 AmSAfr fn70 58 57 50 56 Caro CAOh 5 2180 Am Std 1 455 32A15 3014 3012 -IN Caront 138 175 ArrtStand of 7 250 118 11514 11634 14 Caro TAT 68 684 Am Steil 80 39 51 49 492 -134 Caro Sit 160 41 A Suoar 160 61 3034 2914 2914 Carrier Co 1 145 AmSuapf 68 25 11 1076 1074 Carr 0225 z50 Am TAT 240 4985 5034 4906 4936 34 CarrGeni 80 13 Am 'rob 180 378 3136 31 31 CarterW 40a 262 AmIAWks 56 74 1414 1336 1414 Case 11 196 6 Al AA 0 Cal Finanl 276 Cal lloGs 60 108 CallahM 43f 656 CalumH 120 155 CampRI45a x1129 CamR tn45a 1 Camp Soup I 329 Can Dry 50 80 Ca Dry 0425 2100 Cdn Brew AO 19 CdnPac 145e 51 CdnP fnl45e 7 Canal Rand I 34 Canteen 80 192 Cap Bdcst 149 Carbrun 130 51 Carlisle 60 167 Caro 5 z1B0 Caront 138 175 Caro 68 684 Caro Sit 160 41 Carrier Co 1 145 Carr 10225 z50 CarrGeni 80 13 CarterW 40a 262 Case 11 196 of A144 9 Cal Finanl 276 Cal lloGs 60 108 CallahM 43f 656 CalumH 120 155 CamoRl45a x1129 CamR fri45a 1 SOUP I 339 Zan DrY 50 80 CaDry 0425 2100 Ccin Brew AO 19 CrInPac 145e 51 pdnP fnl15e 7 anal Rand 1 31 Canteen 80 192 14p Bdcst 149 arbrun 130 51 Carlisle 60 167 Caro 5 2180 Caroni 138 175 Caro 'MT 68 684 Caro Sit 160 11 Carrier Co 1 145 Carr 0225 z50 CarrGeni 80 13 CarterW 40a 262 Case 11 196 of A144 9 "4 IntIBT pfK4 55 8734 86 8614 34 MedusaC 120 Int Utli 120 134 33 314 32Va Me lv Sh 220 Int Util A 57 33i? 3112 3214 Meiv Sh pf 4 'NUM 0132 20 4Va 3212 33 34 MercanS 140 int Baker 90 47 2114 205p 2051 V4 Merck 160a InterDStr 60 262 4074 39v4 40 -r V4 Merck pf350 IntMtrFr 120 80 3512 3412 35 Va Meredith 120 58112 563e 5714 34 3914 3914 3914 kt 411i 4134 7232 7012 7012 31 2934 3014 38 2854 2634 2634 34 2212 1934 1972 7614 75 75 4012 3912 3912 32 3712 3612 3612 1254 1214 1214 14 14 1334 1314 934 9 914 3312 3112 32 1234 12 12 2234 2032 2114 3412 34 34 12 4154 40 401'8 38 3154 31 3154 54 52 5212 Inigsf1132 1Vi 7G rdarg la El Case Castle Cook 1 68 CaterTr 120 578 Ceco CD 80 45 CelaneseCo 2 243 Celan tat6450 10 Cenco Ins 30 124 Cen Aquir 60 10 CenFdry 10e 26 Cen Hud 144 28 Case Castle Cook 1 68 CaterTr 120 578 Ceco CD 00 45 CelaneseCo 2 243 elan pfA450 10 enco Ins 30 121 en Actuir 60 10 enFdrv 10e 26 en Hud 114 28 68 628 45 243 10 124 10 26 28 LP 130 66 24 23la 2312 'ase1Wablri7 la HI GE 138 40 2Fo 2554 Mesta Mch 2 lowaPSe 128 32 225a 2154 213At lowaPLt 160 92 3014 27l2 27 a MGM 120b Metromed 1 IT fie 1 reb Nip rromea 1 ITE Ckt 1 443 38- 46 21 1 22I2 48 --2 4112 212 2841 12 7812 -14 3712 2512 354 617A IA 28 13 14 134 34 22 3212 4 38 413 26 4 524 -14 674 --IN 4544 -14 314A 1212 44) 2812 i3- 3218 38 24 26 11 5234 6714 4534 31 1214 30 281s 14 54 6714 6034 62 18 1114 1112 1134 14 18 91 87 884 47 394 361 3634 95 33 3114 3174 74 49 3676 35'4 36 14 102 4134 3974 AO 34 40 2012 1834 1834 147 364 4 3414 3474 X60 74 74 74 72 5 4712 47 4712 14 28 27 27 41 91 8714 8734 z170 72 71 71 55 5114 4914 SO 665 78 74440 7534 14 z650 6414 65 1 38 25 24 2412 34 65 2372 2312 2344o 14 129 12 1141 11447-14 9 33341 3212 3241 236 4241 394 3912 130 5312 5014 5234 3 8 1912 1944 1912 Ms 3 2112 2034 2034 36 112 2714 2512 26 74 5 3512 35 35 72 42 2112 21 214 399 2112 204 2034 83 3074 2874 2934 66 6912 6754 6912 214 93 1812 17 1712 39 133 4512 4434 4514 122 664 6234 634 34 51 10 956 10 36 540 8874 8334 8334 26 2054 20 2014 49 156 15214 15212 14 114 1912 1874 194 12 87 2034 184 1814 x3 7514 7514 7512 14 24 2314 2274 2274 34 2214 2212 224 12 810 4414 4234 4334 $92 2812 2512 2644 34 310 69 69 69 78 31 29 29 34 2524 4976 4314 4556 252 3314 284 284 819 44 4214 4212 68 29 28'4 29 14 180 2744 2712 2712 1338 28'4 264 277s 1 466 2812 2544 264 178 3114 2934 3074 7o 761 117 112 11334 13 39 3134 31 31 70 2234 2134 2214 74 82 3014 294 29741 32 2914 2812 2834 lie 196 2312 2234 2234 47 55 5034 5034 21 274 26 2612 1A 69 3534 3314 3334 5 11712114 116 114 12 -2 14 Ve Ve Ve 455e 2812 42 29 2712 27741 1 264 307s Vs 11334 Phi 31 2214 14 297a 14 2834 lie 2234 12 5034 2612 12 3334 116 6112 5712 3 1 Itek Coro 1765 9134 811a 8312 4 Mich Tube 1 ITT Sy pf450 9 11734 116 117 MichGas 120 MAmPipe 50 MAmP pf112 Jaeger 41 30 1364 13 'nab 24 MidCnTel 80 JapanF 206e 54 1114 1114 1114 14 MidSoLltil 82 Japan fn206e 79 11112 1014 1112 Midld 140 JerCPL of 4 2190 65 6412 65 4: Jewel Co 130 266 39 3714 3814 14 Midw Oil 280 Mieh'eGD 60 Jewel pf375 7100 65 05 75 Miles Lab 1 Jim Walter 1 222 5924 5472 5614 MiltBrad 120 JimW of120 19 5912 5434 5434 MinnEnt 521 JimWalt Df 1 7910 15 1474 1476 12 MinnMM 145 JohnMan 220 225 59We 5734 5812 14 MinnPLt HO Johninn 60a 120 7912 7514 7534 I2 MissnCp 235 JohnsSv 160 8 4312 4214 4214 Miss Riv HO JonLocian 80 55 5514 54 54 Mo Kan Tee Jones 270 277 4812 4514 46 Mo Pac A 5 of 5 7280 7914 78 7814 MP Cem 160 Jorgensn 110 44 27 25ve 264 361MoPubS 130b Jostens Jns 50 23 2614 25312 2514 36 MobilOil 2 30 134 13 54 1176 11'4 79 1114 1054 2190 65 6412 266 39 3714 z100 65 45 222 5934 547a 19 5912 5434 z910 15 1474 225 5954 5734 120 7912 7514 8 4312 4214 55 5514 54 277 4812 4548 2280 7914 78 44 27 2514 23 2614 2534 1334 14 1114 4 11o 65 3834 12 75 564 5434 147e 12 5834 Va 7514 4234 54 46 784 2634 2534 38 445 267s 2512 2534 11 3034 341 3034 vs 25 2834 28 2874 12 45 7 612 634 74 334 3294 3214 334 Garlock 60 31 1834 18 1834 1e Gemini Cao 09 1112 11 1174 12 Geminin 56a 49 1112 1114 1114 GAccept 140 189 3014 2812 30 112 Accept of 1 8 204 19 20 CiArnin 322e 155 346 3312 3414 GAInv o1450 Z140 8334 8312 8334 GAmOil 600 291 4174 40 4034 GA Tran 155 534 3274 31 32 134 GenAnilF 40 866 20y4 1911- 36 GnAnil 0120 72 2612 255e 2574 414 GenElanc 48 98 1112 11114 1134 Gn Cable 120 447 40 45 3715 -33s Gen 120 48 24 2312 2312 114 Gen Develop 232 1612 151e 1512 GenDvnam 1 276 5414 5214 5312 12 Gen Elec 260 1077 90 86 8676 -2 Gen Fin 110 6 2034 203e 2012 Ve GenFire 80 28 19 1712 1712 -11s Gen Fols 240 494 7974 6634 We -212 Gen Host 78 2634 23714 24 74 Genii-1st 108f 796 5012 4434 4574 -112 Geninstr PS 3 13 5214 5114 5112 Gen Mills 80 321 36 3412 35 GMills 0175 70 5912 5914 5914 'Vs GenMat 85e 1909 7678 7212 7334 -134 Mot Sof 5 24 884 8712 8734 34 67 67 -1 1314 1312 3612 3634 14 50 51 1 614 634 14 25314 2512 1212 124 -Vs 47 47 112 8234 8312 1 251e 2512 86 385e 39 12 4712 4712 -1 20 204 14 2012 20ve Vs 31 3174 2334 23741-7e 81 81 -112 35 3674 17s 135 135 614 60 6014 VA 4334 444 30 30 -14 2614 2614 -P3 8014 8134 -Ws 1914 20 1134 117k 34 24714 2714 1 24 241e 4758 -1134 38 3914 112 33714 3434 B8 1314 1334 12 104 105 -434 93 94 -514 5112 5212 4 3412 39i1 2213 2214 13 59 6014 112 4614 464 4112 432 334 3334 3414 5912 60 23 2314 3s 23 234 26 2614 -We 3314 3334 41 62314 6234 3114 111 26V4 2634 26 3334 6234 31 34 2634 2534 3034 'a 2834 3234 334 1834 34 1134 12 1 1 n4 30 112 20 34 3434 Va 8334 4034 1Ao 32 134 1934 1134 264 33's 41 3V1 264 5AD -t-Ja a's 114 44 Vs sAt INI Cent 1111t 112 HILt pf450 CenitIPS 112 CenMPw 108 Cent SW 170 Cent Soya 80 Cerro CP 160 Cert-teed 80 Certted pf90 CessnaA 140 CFI St! 80 Chadbn Goth Champ 220 ChaseBk 220 Checker Mot Chemetn 180 Chemway 20 Ches Ba 160 Ches Ohio 4 Chesebro 84 ChicEast III Chic Gt Wn ChiGW 0250 ChiGIW of ct entlilLt 112 IliLt pf150 CentlIPS 112 CenMPw 108 Cent SW 170 Cent Soya 80 Cerro Co 160 Cert-teed 80 Certted 090 CessnaA 110 CFI St! 80 Chadbn Goth Champ 220 ChaseBk 220 Checker Mot Chernetn 180 Chemwav 20 Ches Ba 160 Ches Ohio 4 Chesebro 81 chicEast III Chic GI Wn ChiGW 0250 ChiGt1N of ct 4212 1034 3534 30 2814 281s 2814 2712 3314 31 7314 7314 814 714 5212 49 48 46 21 20 23 2214 51 48 4134 4012 2914 2814 80 7814 3712 3612 2814 2434 37 3514 62 60 4112 4112 2834 28 1312 1234 1434 1354 2234 2154 3334 32 3814 3754 2612 251s 5612 5234 69 6734 4914 4512 3214 3112 1314 1254 2854 28 37 2244 22 1130 74 73 87 20 1914 92 1916 1914 188 401s 3914 125 2114 2014 2338 4414 3712 455 2054 1814 79 2054 1812 138 4514 4414 196 15511 1434 141 612 6 99 5014 4812 228 6754 66 7 1512 15 176 40 3856 391 1514 1312 12 3614 3512 121 63 6214 91 3714 3414 43 1254 1214 4 7434 74 7 73 72 2 71 70 ChiMil SIP 77 3414 3314 ChMSPP of 5 1 7414 7112 Chi Music 1 64 2841 2714 1 66 117 112 of 5 5 11512 11412 ChiPneu 180 80 3812 3534 Chi RI Pac 10 1814 1814 ChRIP ct UP 26 1511 1514 ChRIP Cl NW 41 love 16 ChiTitleIr 2 88 4834 45 ChockFull 60 230 1912 1712 ChrisCraft la 179 3134 2912 Chromall 50 301 36 3014 Chrysler 2 3598 5634 5334 Cinn GE 130 254 26 25 CinGE pf175 180 7812 78 Cm GE of 4 2750 6812 6634 Cin Mill 120a 131 13 4154 CITFin LBO 386 3454 3254 CIT 0550 1 10214 10214 CIT Fin of 5 1270 93 93 Cities Svc 2 502 1614 1512 citS cypf225 8 83 82 City Inv86t x1525 4512 3734 Strs 25e 41 17 1634 252 25 23 41 4414 1214 24 90 8814 115 3634 3514 z240 56 53 ziO 3112 3112 520 63314 56 176 5714 399 74 2614 407 4916 4614 231 137 13212 60 2612 26 i3- iiv 3348 32 3874 3248 2631 251s 5612 5234 69 6734 4914 45V2 3214 3112 1314 1254 28 28 37 22 22 030 74 73 87 20 1914 92 191s 1914 188 401s 394 125 2114 2014 2338 4412 3711 455 2034 1814 79 2044 1814 138 4514 4414 191) 15 1434 14 612 6 99 5014 4812 228 67 66 7 3512 15 176 40 3834 391 1514 1312 12 3614 3512 121 63 624 91 3712 3416 43 12 1214 4 7434 7 4 7 73 72 2 71 70 77 3414 3314 1 7412 7412 64 2811 2714 66 117 112 5 11512 11412 80 38s 3531 10 1814 18'4 26 1512 1514 41 16341 16 88 4814 45 230 1912 7 179 3136 2914 301 36 3074 3598 5634 5334 254 26 25 180 7812 78 z750 6812 6634 131 43 4154 386 341s 321I 1 10214 10214 2270 93 93 502 461s 4512 8 83 82 1525 45112 3716 41 17 1614 252 25 23 Ai 4414 4214 24 90 88VA 115 3634 3514 z240 56 53 z10 3112 3113 520 6314 56 176 5714 399 78 2614 407 4914 4614 231 137 13212 60 2612 26 Joy NMI I4U 57 31 2912 3031 12 Mohasco 1 Mohas 0350 Moharc 110a Kaiser Al 1 470 4112 38V2 3912 1 MOI1OCIM Ind Kais 5713f47S 1 90 90 90 Monon RR Kais 590475 2 894 8912 8912 Monsan 160b Kais 66of475 1 8912 8912 89v2 MontDlit 160 Kai 475of237 z120 40 3912 3912 -V2 Mont Pw 156 Kais Cam 80 76 1712 1634 )7 MontWard 1 KaisC of150 4 45 4412 45 14 MooreMcC 1 KaisC of137 16 2112 2011 2019 MorseSho 50 Kan CPL 164 51 3234 3112 313a Motorola 1 KC PL 0450 r20 71 71 71 MtFuelS 168 KC FL of435 z100 7012 7012 7012 12 Mt St TT 124 KC PL o63130 z170 63 62 62 MSL Ind 160 KC Soulnd 2 70 351a 3414 3412 MIJI1SinCI 130 KC Sou of 1 2360 1512 1539 1538 Murphy 120 KanGE 132 215 2512 2412 2412 -15 Murph Ind lb KanPwL 112 145 2012 1912 20 'Murphind WI Katy Ind 1197 2034 1E12 1839 50 KavserRo 60 251 3112 3012 31 4- 51 AArno nic 20 82 31 294 470 4112 3812 1 90 90 2 8914 8914 1 8912 8914 2120 40 3912 76 1714 1634 4 45 4414 16 2114 2014 51 3234 315s r20 71 71 2100 7012 7012 z170 63 62 70 3512 3414 2360 1512 1534 215 2512 2414 145 2014 1914 1197 2034 1El'2 251 3114 3012 3036 a 3912 Mono ma yo 212 MO11011 RR 8914 Monsan I60b 8912 Mont DM 160 3917 17 Mont Pw 156 )7 Mont Ward 1 45 MooreMcC 1 201a MorseSho 50 3159 Motorola 1 71 MtFuelS 168 7017 17 Mt St TT 124 62 MSL Ind 160 3458 MUnSinCI 130 153a Vs Murphy 120 244 Murph Ind lb 20 WI 1858 I Muroh011 50 31 4iiMurp0 ot520 AVV sorer 125 t670 19334 19 19 kW 411of 143 2740 2334 23 2314 94 Am Zinc 16 23134 2212 2234 342 Ametek la 54 411a 4014 4012 34 Amfac Inc 1 155 4114 3912 41 13a AM CP 30d 1349 7614 66 68 -21a AMK pf320 x2 13312 120 120 -31a AM Cp p13 xl 136 136 136 1114 AMP Inc 40 724 3214 31 3112 138 Ampex Corp 628 3014 2834 2834 12 Amphenol JO 608 3534 3134 3234 Eta Amsted 240 199 5614 54 5414 -114 Anacon 150 714 451a 4214 42334 -214 AnctiNG 140 66 3934 37112 3714 And Clan 120 31 348 3312 3312 Anken Chem 98 1114 1012 1012 Aoco Oil 89t 207 2314 2215 23 11 Aqua Chem 91 3038 29 29121 18 ArchDan 160 81 5234 51 5P4 14 ArizPubSvc 1 196 22'1 22 2241 34 Arians Str 924 2734 2512 2612 Armco St1 3 413 48 '2 41 4738 38 Armour 160 316 3534 3214 32342 -2334 Arrrw of 475 7 7014 69314 6938 -1 Arm Ck 140a 967 61 5734 6034 312 ArmCk 0375 260 65 6414 6411 -24a Arm Rub 160 76 4634 45 4534 10 Aro Corp 90 25 2734 25 2541 -134 Arvin Ind 90 44 3010 28 2814 9a Asttild Oil 120 395 354 3418 34123 -1 Ash011 0240 1 69 69 69 -3 AssdBrew 40 61 14 1334 1334 12 Assd DG 160 In 7114 70 7114 1 AssdSprno la 47 2718 2534 25'34 Assd 'Iran 1 56 1612 1611 161'4 1 Associnn 140 190 25 2312 2351 3E Atchison 160 834 2634 261 2638 11 Atchls of 50 362 878 81'2 871 34 AtC itvE I 126 49 28 2714 2712 AtCitvEl 614 240 6912 68 68 -112 At' Rich 110 253 105 102 10434 212 AtIttech pf375 2210 6514 64 64 -234 Ail Rich of 3 330 8914 86 8812 312 Atlas Ch 80 174 1731 1631 1671 1 Atlas Corp 820 54 434 434 34 Atlas pl25k 2160 1812 1812 1812 Auroral' 20 118 158 1434 15 112 AustNch 60b 94 3134 3012 3134 134 ARA Inc 72 138 76334 7434 7434 AutSpkir 083 825 3234 2912 3034 34 Avco CP 120 3094 46 37 38342 -312 Avco p1320 483 88112 74 78 -8 Avery Pd 30 44 48334 4534 4734 194 Avner Inc 50 1054 3714 32 3234 12 Avnet pfl 23 4812 45 45 -3 Avon Pd 160 330 125 1185e 12034 34 1012 4 23 2914 VW 5114 14 224 4 26V2 474 4t 3244 --234 694 --I 6044 312 6414 -24 4544 254 --I4 284 344 --I 69 --3 I34i Vi 714 I 254 74 164 4 2354 4 2634 12 874 4 2712 4 68 --174 10444 24 64 -24 8812 312 1676 4 44 1812 TA 7444 304 38 -312 78 --8 474 14 3274 V2 45 --3 1204 4 5171 77 341b 3el 384 Ch 50 37 2117 Narco Sci 60 4P4 I NashuaCo 80 J7 Nat Acme 2a --I's I NatAirlin 30 IN Aviat 573e Nalco Ch 50 Narco Sci 60 NashuaCo 80 Nat Acme 2a NatAirlin 30 Aviat 573e grifi 13 gsii GenPCem 80 130 1334 GenPrec 80 187 3834 GPrec of160 13 5212 GPubSv 56e 273 612 GPubUt 156 526 26 Gen Refract 123 1314 Gen Sig 120 83 4812 Gen Sia Df 4 9 84 Stlind 120 216 2612 GTel El 140 975 4012 GTelEi of250 6 49 QTelE bil25 z920 nv 12113130 z320 GenTime 80 281 3334 Gen Tire 80 768 2572 Tire Df 5 z80 8112 Genesca 160 156 3614 153'Genesc 121450 2 135 Ga Pacific lb 380 6255 GaPac 064 X184 4414 GaPac o6140 x264 3114 Gerber 110 101 2814 Getty011 72e 1078 8512 Getty 0120 99 2014 Giant PC 80 65 1212 Gibralt Fin 122 2734 Gidd Lew 80 153 2534 Gillette 120 769 5014 Gimbel 1 146 3914 Ginn Co 72 557 3514 Glen Aid 70 7101 1454 GlenAl 0315 7711212 GlenAld of 3 4510212 GlenAl o1225 3 53 Global Mann 659 38 GlobeUn 80 50 2312 14Goodrich 240 276 6072 iGoodyr 135 117 48'e 141GouldNB 140 221 4514 3lGraceCo 140 612 3514 141Granby 180 90 6034 iGrandU 606 336 24 GranitCS 140 79 24 121Granitev 140 57 27114 Grant 130 147 34 Grant of 375 2100 6212 Gray Drug 1 348 3312 GtAhfold 140 315 2714 Gt 130a 2152 2834 GtNoir 1359 54 1734 tNoPao 120 105 5112 tNorP of40 33 1471 Lt Nor 8y 3 90 53712 gt west fin! 31364 174 utwnun 180 119 8412 QWUn 0188 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Find out at the Bache Investment Course You'll learn about stocks bonds mutual methods of investing and how to plan your investment goals At each session of these professionally prepared lectures we'll review market trends current research recommendations and examples of successful investing There will in time for questions To register call or mall the coupon There is no charge Lectures will be held: In our Fort Worth office New quarters-810 Commerce Bldg) 7th and Throcionorton Sts el 7:30 pen 3 Thursdays starting April 4th conducted by Mr Harold kille IN 1110111111 NI WM ME ME WORM EU MO Please reserve seats for your Lecture Course beginning April 4th MrMrsMiss Address CityStateZip Telephone ::::4 li'f'' i 10 ::171:::::::::: ''E: fit :::::0:::::::::::: :31::4: lio (: i ----1 :1: r- tv tr 122 3834 3634 3634 54 43 3512 3454 35 12 26 56 5434 5412 17 4414 4334 44 V2 421 26V4 2412 25 14 173 3914 37 383s 112 Nat Bisc 210 37 4534 441s 45 52 3514 3312 3376 -1 Vs 20 3734 37 37 V4 731 112 10514 108 9 4234 4112 42 V2 527 3611 3412 35 175 38Vs 365s 3614 Vs z120 69 69 -1 1 3614 3614 36111 88 277s 2711 275s 14 678 2714 2312 2414 -112 368 463s 4414 4514 56 z130 7612 76 76 12 269 6112 591J 2 5912 x407 4612 44 4612 214 21 4014 3912 4014 34 27 253s 2434 2514 33 44 4314 4334 188 43 4134 4134 -114 33 1514 1414 1474 34 53 1412 1414 1412 15 36 1914 1814 1834 14 124 1814 1714 1714 -134 11 12 1154 115s 14 28 4334 4174 42 -1 133 4034 3834 40 12 128 327s 3012 3054 -134 2120 56 56 56 151 27 26 271s 34 78 4112 4034 4114 316 63 5812 59 -314 280 5874 57 5754 54 2022 5312 5054 -354 67 38 3634 3634 112 z230 6314 61 Vs 6314 134 602 201s 193s 11 al z50 8212 8214 821 1120 77V4 77 77 4 -134 z20 6712 6712 6712 14 1130 60 5912 5912 z440 573A 5634 5712 14 z110 54 5154 5134 -212 37 2334 227's 23 14 321 Q934 8714 8754 -114 99 39 37 373s 42 2614 2534 2534 s's 190 2414 2314 2314 34 35 pi 1954 20 474 3412 3351 3334 13 92 881'2 882 -4 44 161s 1512 1534 14 28 1674 16 1634 0150 6314 62 62 -114 114 2e12 27 2714 74 254 5112 497s 5112 112 7100 102 102 102 34 260 912 9134 92 2 220 8812 8812 8812 -114 2300 8814 8814 8814 512 115 5134 4914 4914 -154 141 30 79 2912 34 220 M14 67 66 -2 2250 65 62 65 760 5814 5714 5714 -1772 210 3374 3121s 3214 514 6 3534 35 3534 198 7214 6734 6734 -Vs 43 5712 5512 5612 40 36V2 35 35 12 76 37 34 3412 107 4714 4314 44 -2 19 1814 1234 1724 id 68 7934 4034 12911 158 16011 70 7112 7412 7411 35 36 11 Hack Wat 2 13 3934 38 3834 HallPrt 1408 8 441s 4334 434 Halliburt 190 259 6612 6514 6614 Harrill Wat 1 49 lei 1374 14 Harnill Pao 1 87 PI 2314 2334 Hammnd 70 184 15I 434 1434 Handlmn 60 8241 24 1342 27 HandHar 60 80 7912 614 26IA HanesCo 90 50 21112 26 2634 Hanna Mnd 2 17 7034 6812 7012 Harcourt 1 71 89 8614 Ill Harris Int 1 185 5014 4514 4614 Harsco Co 1 83 211a 2Q114 201 HartSMx HO 64 4833 434 42 Han Al 120 492 413i 3714 3216 Hat Coro 40 12 Vs 834 83'4 70 68 4034 129 74V2 3 6 Hack Wat 2 13 3914 38 3834 HallPrt 1408 8 4412 4334 434 Halliburt 190 259 6612 0514 6614 Wat 1 29 1412 1374 14 Hamm Pao 1 81 221 i316 2338 Hamrmul 70 184 411 414 1474 Handimn 60 3041 23 1 34 22 HandHar 60 80 7912 614 28y8 HanesCo 90 50 2771 26 2644 Henna Mnq 2 11 7034 6812 7012 Harcourt 1 71 89 8614 87 Harris Int 1 185 5014 4514 4674 Harsco Cp 1 83 2174 2Q12 1 HartSMx HO 64 4874 4714 4771 Han Al 120 492 4171 3714 3774 Hat Coro 40 12 9's 834 81'4 TOP STOCKS OF THE WEEK vnEic 34 112 12 38 14 -214 1 12 20'Is 7 HatCp 0250 z250 37 351'4 351'4 Hawil El 120 31 2714 261'4 26'4 of 250 z250 37 351'4 3514 -214 Hawil El 120 31 2714 201'4 2614 -1 34 Vs 11 14 38 1- 14 1 ''5 -214 1 -sY2 -4 's i -4! 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Author: Carmelo Roob

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Author information

Name: Carmelo Roob

Birthday: 1995-01-09

Address: Apt. 915 481 Sipes Cliff, New Gonzalobury, CO 80176

Phone: +6773780339780

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Gaming, Jogging, Rugby, Video gaming, Handball, Ice skating, Web surfing

Introduction: My name is Carmelo Roob, I am a modern, handsome, delightful, comfortable, attractive, vast, good person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.